Saturday, June 23, 2012

My First Heroes Con

Today I attended my first Heroes convention! It's a great way to meet a ton of really talented comic artists and talk to them about how they got into doing what they do. I have had the pleasure of meeting a number of local artists through Google+, and today I finally got to meet two of them face to face. Links to their sites are available HERE and HERE.
I also got to meet an extremely talented lady by the name of Afua Richardson. View her art HERE. She has such a warm spirit and I can't say enough how truly TALENTED she is. She and the other people I spoke with today inspired me to get the story idea for a graphic novel I've had rolling around in my head down on paper finally. Never has publishing a comic been easier, so I really have no excuse. Here's to me publishing that book and being a guest at next year's convention!

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